

1包粽子英语作文篇1 First, mix appropriate amount of flour and water together into dough. Second, cut the dough into small potions, roll each potion out to make a round shaped dough seet. Third, prepare the stuffing 是什么。



0制作【材料】 ­主料:糯米1000克,猪腿肉600克­调料:酱油50克,白砂糖27克,盐25克,白酒5克,味精1克­粽子的特色:形态美观别致,箬香芬芳和润,肉质酥烂鲜嫩,肥糯可口不腻。【烹饪方法】 1. 选用7~10厘米宽的伏后面会介绍。

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2以下是关于包粽子方法高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。高分英语作文1:How to make zongzi Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. It is a traditional Chinese festival. My mother got up early in the morning. She went 好了吧!



1如何制作粽子英语作文第1篇Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. It is a special festival in China. On this day, we usually eat zongzi, a kind of food made of rice. Today, I want to cook some zongzi first. I 到此结束了?。



1粽子的做法英文作文高分英语作文1: Zongzi is a traditional Chinese food, made of gluti nous rice, wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves with different fillings, and cooked by steam or boiling. Japanese call it chimaki, 是什么。

ˇ▂ˇ 试试语音朗读:

2以下是关于粽子的做法及的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。高分英语作文1:Practice and application of zongzi Zongzi is very popular in the Dragon Boat Festival. Zongzi is made of meat, peanuts and egg yolk, or 后面会介绍。


1端午节怎样做粽子英语作文篇1 The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is there are a lot of cultured. Zongzi, leaves a request, the fresh bamboo leaves; Green green; Sending out the light faint scent. If use dry out好了吧!


1包粽子过程用英语写作文firstly,we must prepare some polished gtutinous rice,which is the major material in making the gtutinous rice.we dip the polished gtutinous rice into water for a while.secondly,we take a 说完了。

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