兰博基尼aventador svj_兰博基尼aventador svj街拍

兰博基尼aventador svj_兰博基尼aventador svj街拍

0Aventador SVJ 无与伦比的V12自然吸气发动机,因其卓越的设计和先进的材料技术脱颖而出。特色亮点变速箱ISR变速系统(独立变速杆)能够确保快速和激动人心的变速过程。特色亮点单壳体对碳纤维及其衍生物的使用,是兰博基尼赋予Aventador SVJ 的独特基因之一,可令其表后面会介绍。


0Limited to a mere 800 examples, the SVJ Roadster is the most iconic form of the Aventador family. Its Lamborghini aerodynamics represent the most futuristic ever designed: the ALA 2.0 system and aero-vectoring ensure the minimum drag on straightaways and the optimal aerodynamic load when cornering说完了。

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0The Aventador SVJ is synonymous with record performance, design, and cutting-edge aerodynamics. ALA 2.0, the acronym for Aerodinamica Lamborghini Attiva, is one of the secrets behind these exceptional performance feats. ALA 2.0 is the system that manages all the aerodynamic components of the car 到此结束了?。

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0“It is as fundamentally exciting to drive as the Aventador SVJ, but with an added exclusivity: the open-air option. Delivering the same extraordinary performance with the roof on or off, the Aventador SVJ Roadster incorporates the dynamism of the coupé with the unique spirit of a Lamborghini好了吧!



0兰博基尼Aventador SVJ



0“It is as fundamentally exciting to drive as the Aventador SVJ, but with an added exclusivity: the open-air option. Delivering the same extraordinary performance with the roof on or off, the Aventador SVJ Roadster incorporates the dynamism of the coupé with the unique spirit of a Lamborghini到此结束了?。


1最强大牛Aventador SVJ敞篷版。对于63的含义,熟悉兰博基尼的车迷朋友们应该不会陌生,这款特别版车型也是在向兰博基尼品牌成立的年份致敬—1963年。新车基于Aventador SVJ Roadster车型升级打造而来,外观上带有专属的SVJ 63标识以及“1/63”的编号,并提供提供哑光或高亮的碳纤维部件,包含有车顶部位、发动机罩、发动机通风孔好了吧!

ˇ▽ˇ 试试语音朗读:


0定兰博基尼新大牛Revuelto是什么体验麦浪哥哥122.3万100 【好家伙字幕组】TG测评全球首款量产千匹超跑兰博基尼新大牛Revuelto!#TopGear杂志社车评.熟肉中英字幕好家伙字幕组3.5万155 兰博基尼新款大牛交付上路,这颜色看着很独特! 超跑集锦2.2万8 兰博基尼Aventador SVJ 爱擎故事Az 5.2万90 全新换代的还有呢?

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